A happier, healthier you with Full Circle Counseling of Tennessee

M, T, W, Th: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Why I Love Providing Counseling Services

Stephanie Grissom

In third grade, I recognized that helping others through life's challenges was something I wanted to do as an adult. After graduating high school, I began volunteering and working in the field and I have continued to do so over the last 30+ years. Knowing I have had a hand in helping countless lives through direct counseling, supervising pre-licensed counselors, and consulting and coaching other counselors brings me so much joy.

I have been married since 2001 and have two beautiful children. Just like any other couple, we have had bumps in the road, but have surrounded ourselves with a supportive circle of family and friends. In our free time, my family spends weekends visiting with our son if he is home from college or rooting on our daughter's travel soccer team. We love all things sports related, especially cheering on our Nashville Predators. When we want to relax as a family, we love travel and if we are really lucky we love to go camping.

Full Circle Counseling of Tennessee
My goal is to help you through life's ups and downs so you can become whole.

Now that I am in my 50s I can honestly say I have lived a lot of life. College, divorce, singleness and living alone, remarried, children, full time professional career, loss of loved ones, owning a business/self-employed and now knocking on the door of being an empty nester. Each and every one of these stages has afforded me many experiences and lessons in life that I am forever grateful for. Above all, it has given me empathy. I would love nothing more than to sit with you in your stage of life and help you figure out what's next. It would be my honor.