A happier, healthier you with Full Circle Counseling of Tennessee

M, T, W, Th: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Counseling Services For Women

photo of a woman sitting, hands on knees, being comforted
She believed she could, so she did. R S Grey

Are you at a point in your life where everything seems to be happening at once and you are not sure where to start? Perhaps work is piling up and you are getting overwhelmed. You might be trying to juggle a career, but feeling as if you are not giving enough to your husband or children. Let's not forget about the fact you need time for yourself to recharge.

Do you feel anxiety at the thought of trying to get it all done? Maybe you find yourself feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, and somewhat depressed and wanting to retreat into yourself. If you are in agreement with any of these things then you ARE NOT ALONE. So many of us have felt that overwhelming feeling when we are trying to balance it all. Personally, I have felt this way on so many occasions.

Perhaps, your children are grown, off to college, starting their own life and families. This also brings on sadness, grief and fear. What do I do with my life? What if I'm not needed anymore? Will their partner want to include us? What do I do with all this time? Who is that man sitting at the end of the couch? Do you feel that in your body as you read this? I know I do.

What if you and I were able to join together on a regular basis and tease out those stressors and help normalize them? What if we were to help you prioritize the many demands of life and, yes, sometimes even have the courage to say "no" or "not this week." What if we worked together to come up with some ways to release stress and better ways of managing those moments of panic? These ARE the things we will do...together.

Your health and well-being should be top priority. If we were able to help you feel like you could take a deep breath again wouldn't that make the time to come to counseling worth it? Let me come alongside you and help you take that deep breath...help you come Full Circle. Email me or call me.

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